Tuesday, August 26, 2008


With these warm summer days, it seems like a crime to be indoors in front of the computer! Alas, I cannot avoid it forever, so it's megapost time.

FuN aT tHe BeAcH!
Some of my favorite memories as a child in the City involved going to the beach (or tanning on the roof) on rare but majorly fabulous warm days. We had one of those beautiful SF days in late July when my niece turned one. Everyone in the City is happier when the sun's out!

SaTuRdAy MoRnInG at McKiNlEy PaRk
I have had the pleasure of photographing this little one throughout his first year. I can hardly believe he's going to be one next month. Time moves far to quickly for me. Luckily, photos freeze time and help remind me of the blessing of children!

DaDdY TiMe
The triplets are 6 months old! This time, their daddy was there to participate in the action.

[insert collective "awwww" here]

Doesn't he have the BEST hair?!

This is what happens when mommy does her schtick to make him laugh!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Bien Venuti Caffe' Santoro!

The Santoro family just celebrated the grand opening of their new coffee shop, Caffe' Santoro in Cameron Park. What a spectacular event!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

T Turns Two

And boy did we make is a photoshoot to remember! Here are some of our more, well, dry moments!

Peeking through the olive tree and lavendar.

And here we are just taking it easy back at home. I love this little friend of ours!